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Gentleman Beast
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In case you needed a laugh today, here's a golden oldie.


I created a polygon account to heckle an author and now I have to wait a whole day to post it? Ugh.


PSA: I just successfully preordered a Series X off of Costco's website not 5 minutes ago.


And we're one step closer to getting Tobey Maguire back as Spiderman. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/benedict-cumberbatch-joins-spider-man-3-as-doctor-strange-exclusive


Fresh Weird Al today, I think this is the closest thing to a silver lining we're gonna get for the debat.


Kickstart my heart, baby. I'm just gonna dump my faves in the comments. (I'll avoid repeats)


Oh Ninty, you've made a powerful enemy on this day...


Bought Hyrule Warriors. What did I just do to myself. I'm a dog that just caught a car.


About Gentleman Beastone of us since 8:40 AM on 02.19.2016