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Been busy lately. Will have new art to post. Here's an oil painting I took digital to eventually make posters of. Insta - upinsmokeproductions .. I also started speedrunning Super CV 4 in under 5o minutes on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Portrait of The Joker. See previous post to see Arthur. Insta - upinsmokeproductions


Portrait of Arthur. Next post is his transformation. Insta - upinsmokeproductions


There's a photo on the web with a caption that reads "this photo of post Malone choking Justin Bieber at a party looks like a Renaissance painting." Two years in progress but I'm making memes into dreams. Insta - upinsmokeproductions


Commission work. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and find me on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Finished this demon slayer commission yesterday. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Overwatch 2 Beta launched. Insta - upinsmokeproductions for the artwork. Videos later on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Snagged this tonight for the collection. CIB. All of it pristine, even down to a blank registration card. More photos on Instagram- upinsmokeproductions


Progress on the jolteon commission. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and catch me on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Started a Jolteon commission tonight. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and find me on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


You ever just think about how Jet Set Radio Future and Mech Assault deserve a full remaster.


In lieu of the new game, here's an update for my 5 piece borderlands commission. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Did some artwork for a book cover. Got to see the finished product today. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and catch me on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


SHAMELESS PLUG: tonight, I finished all of Nightmare DOOM Eternal, by defeating the Dark Lord in part two of the DLC, completely HUDLess and with no crosshairs at twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman ... professional art over on insta - upinsmokeproductions


More toy photography. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and I also started to redraw EVO moment 37 in MS Paint on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


New project. Looking into prints and posters. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


"Entomb" insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Started doing abstract work. Last post for now I promise. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


When I ship a painting, I make sure it gets there safely. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Snow day was a good time. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


"Deal's a Deal, Bruce." Started getting into toy photography. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Finished this DoomFist commission tonight. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


DoomFist commission in progress. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman for more art and video games


Last night some friends and I were streaming some CV4 runs. Makkolv, a killer CV4 speedrunner joined chat and tagged along for my casual speed run attempt, watched his 33 minute run and to celebrate his PB, I drew this on twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


Here's a look at some of my more "professional" gallery work. Insta - upinsmokeproductions and check the twitch.tv/therealhudlesshorseman


About LastKingofHeartsone of us since 5:01 PM on 09.13.2010

Lifetime Gamer. Father of Two. Professional Artist
insta @upinsmokeproductions